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Mental Health in the Construction Industry

Supply chain disruption, worker shortages, deadlines, turnover, increasing costs, rising interest rates and overall uncertainty are facing us day after day. With the problems our economy is facing and the lingering effects of the pandemic we have seen a rise in mental health issues; anxiety, stress, burnout, substance abuse, and suicide.

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The Revitalization of Lyon Square

The revitalization of Lyon Square will transform and activate a small area of downtown Grand Rapids on the Grand River that is currently underutilized and in need of repairs.

Q1 2023: On Your Radar

In Q1’s edition of On Your Radar, Becky writes about a massive scale hospital tower, a library expansion, and more.

How Building a Solid, Safe, & Secure IT Environment Leads to Long-Term Business Success

Brian Young, a Rehmann principal, shares How Building a Solid, Safe, & Secure IT Environment Leads to Long-Term Business Success.

February 2023: On Your Radar

In February’s edition of On Your Radar, Becky writes about a large-scale indoor driving range , new student housing, a new children’s museum, and more.

Beep, Beep Repeat

Pssst…have you heard? The Source Magazine preparations are underway again! Have you contacted us to advertise your business yet?

Letter from the Executive Vice President

Elizabeth Bovard Strong, Executive Vice President of the Builders Exchange of Michigan, shares a recap of 2022 and what we look forward to in 2023.

January 2023: On Your Radar

In January’s edition of On Your Radar, Becky writes about a large-scale wellness resort, a new health center, and more.

Naughty or Nice

If you are not receiving or are unsure if you are set up to receive the Nightly Update Email, here are a couple of things to check out and ways to troubleshoot the problem, if one is occurring.

Just Sustainability

Zach Verhulst and Andrew Queenan of Pure Architects talk about why sustainability should be a core principle for architectural firms.

December 2022: On Your Radar

Becky writes about the redevelopment of a golf course, a new senior center, and more in December’s edition of On Your Radar.

Grassroots Efforts To Close The Skilled Trades Gap

Grassroots Efforts To Close The Skilled Trades Gap

Pandemic-related delays continue to affect the work of architects. It starts early with both new and existing clients expecting the same project schedules from pre-pandemic days, while contractor partners are pushing to have drawings out to bid earlier and earlier. Architects wind up squeezed in the middle.

A Spook-tacular Review

A Spook-tacular Review

Cheryl talks about our plan room’s administration tools that offer multiple ways to manage your Builders Exchange of Michigan account; from viewing usage to updating information.

Redesigning How Architectural Firms Operate

Redesigning How Architectural Firms Operate

Pandemic-related delays continue to affect the work of architects. It starts early with both new and existing clients expecting the same project schedules from pre-pandemic days, while contractor partners are pushing to have drawings out to bid earlier and earlier. Architects wind up squeezed in the middle.