INDUSTRY EVENT: Building Up Women


This free, virtual event is open to all and will highlight successes and acknowledge the barriers often faced by hardworking women in a historically male-dominated industry. Register at:


Winter Series: Fall Protection


Falls from heights remain one of the top causes of fatalities in the construction industry. This training includes information on new and traditional fall protection equipment displays, anchor points, anchor […]


NeoCon Ignite

Nucraft Furniture Co 5151 West River Dr NE, Comstock Park, MI, United States

Jump start summer with this outdoor industry event hosted at the Nucraft headquarters. Visit seven product tents for unique experiences, to see new products, and to earn entries for raffle […]


BX Summer Safety and Networking Series: Asbestos Awareness


The Asbestos Awareness Course is a two-hour introductory training that explains the basic safety and regulatory information regarding asbestos and satisfies employer requirements for OSHA, EPA, and AHERA compliance. The […]


WM Inforum AEC Affinity Group


Martina McIsaac, Region Head and CEO of Hilti North America, shares how a career pause and a career switch can lead to even greater success! As one of the big […]


BX Summer Safety and Networking Series: Lead Awareness


The OSHA Lead Awareness course is a two-hour introductory course explaining the basic information regarding employee exposure to lead, and employer responsibilities to limit those exposures. The purpose of the […]


BX Summer Safety and Networking Series: Silica Awareness


The OSHA Silica in Construction course is appropriate for workers and supervisors who may be exposed to respirable crystalline silica in the course of construction activities. This course will review […]


Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

Grand Rapids Downtown Market 435 Ionia Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Get paid out for your building renovations! Your utility company wants to help elevate your next project. Join guest speakers Cheri Holman, Elizabeth Bovard Strong, and Dru Ross for tacos […]
