Thank you to all our members who took advantage of the trainings we offered in October! It was great to meet and get to know some of you better and help increase your knowledge of our platform. The Builders Exchange of Michigan’s virtual planroom is designed to help you grow your business. As a result of the training, I wanted to share some of the most frequently asked questions I’ve received during training.
How do I sign-up to receive the Nightly Update Email?
To receive the Nightly email, log in to the website, click on the Filters tab. Create a filter using keywords that match the services you provide and check the box at the bottom of the filter that says, “receive nightly email.”
How do I know the best keywords to use when creating my filters?
In a Bidding filter, choose keywords based on words found in the specifications. To test the keywords, go to the Research tab, click on CSI Masterformat list and use CTRL+F to search within your browser. If the word shows up in the codes, use it as a keyword and place the first two numbers of the CSI Code in the boxes provided.
For Planning filters, you can use the same keywords, as well as words found in the scope, notes, titles. Eliminate the numbers in the CSI code boxes, as there are no specifications or plans in the Planning phase. Read my article about creating effective planning filters for additional instructions.
What’s the difference between Bidding & Planning?
Bidding projects have a specified bid date listed. Planning projects do not have a bid date and provide an opportunity for tracking and building a pipeline for future business.
Can I create an effective filter by combining Bidding and Planning projects?
All bidding and planning filters should be created separately for the best results.
Can I track companies and competitors?
Yes! You can track companies and competitors by going to the Research Center, searching for a company or company type, and checking the box provided at the far right of the list under the word “Track.” When the company is added to a project, you will receive a notification in your Nightly Update Email.
Will there be more trainings available in the future?
Yes! More training will available by company type in the Spring of 2022. If you need any assistance in the meantime or would like to receive training before then, please reach out to schedule a date and time!

Cheryl, Member Engagement Specialist
Builders Exchange of Michigan
Cheryl is responsible for the effective communication of member benefits, training, and retention of services. She is the administrator of membership accounts and liaison for member relations.