Builders Exchange of Michigan: What services does Contractors Marine provide for the construction industry?
Contractors Marine: Contractors Marine consults on and executes specialty projects such as oversize and overweight transport (including housemoving), installing sheet piling and seawalls, erosion control structures, and mechanical and hydraulic dredging.
BX: How did your company get its name?
CM: The name was chosen to reflect who we are, what we do, and its potential for search engine ranking.
BX: What are your company’s short-term and long-term goals?
CM: To be the contractor of choice within our service capabilities. To offer practical solutions, represent our client’s best interest safely completed to the highest industry standards and current best practices.
BX: Tell us about a project you completed recently.
CM: Repairing and rebuilding a 300-foot failed private dam with sheet piling, including a new spillway and property entrance. We mechanically dredged 17,000 cubic yards of spoils to enhance the natural species habitat while maintaining a lowered lake level. We had to siphon 1.2 million gallons a day and discharge into a sediment control structure.
BX: What’s the best business advice you’ve heard?
CM: A company is only as good as its employees.
BX: What core values does your company have that attribute to your success?
CM: Our clients don’t like surprises and they don’t like excuses. At Contractors Marine, we strive to be as transparent as possible while completing our contracted work on time and within budget at a competitive price – but not at the expense of service of quality. If we happen to know of a better, more economical solution, we’ll do what we always do – steer our clients in the right direction. Our most valuable asset is our client’s trust. We work hard to earn it and even harder to keep it!
BX: What are your company’s biggest strengths?
CM: Communication, project scheduling, and execution.
BX: What’s one thing your company gets praised about most?
CM: We are often praised for our industry knowledge and competence.
BX: What challenges have impacted your company in the last year? How have you overcome them?
CM: Client education regarding options and value has been an ongoing challenge that we are attempting to address. We’ve added more information to our website about the services we provide to help with this. Finding quality employees is an issue we’re addressing with a revenue-sharing option based on performance metrics.
BX: How has being a member of the Builders Exchange of Michigan been of value to you?
CM: Being a member of the Builders Exchange of Michigan has greatly enhanced our awareness of the strength and viability of the Michigan construction market and its opportunities. We’ve been able to use our membership to participate in education opportunities and its enabled us to use the great fuel discount in association with Speedway!

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