How MSPE is Shaping the AEC Industry

May 18, 2022 | Community, News

MSPE's vision, mission, and a shortlist of their upcoming events for 2022, as well as how they're helping further the AEC industry.

The Michigan Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) is an organization that is comprised of members from all engineering disciplines (e.g., civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, aerospace, etc.). Together, these members promote the following:

• Vision
A world where the public can be confident that engineering decisions affecting their lives are made by qualified and ethically accountable professionals

• Mission
To foster licensed professional engineers in service to society

• Values
1. Protection of the public health, safety, and welfare above all other considerations
2. Be the recognized expert in licensure, ethics, and competent practice of engineering
3. PE license is the highest standard of professionalism in engineering
4. Continuous learning for professional growth
5. Commitment to the future and growth in the number of licensed Professional Engineers
6. Teamwork, unity, and fellowship of all Professional Engineers across all disciplines
7. Innovation through the creative application of math, science, and engineering
8. Promote and expand the awareness of the engineering profession
9. Foster diversity and inclusion to ensure the profession is a reflection of society

MSPE collaborates with other architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) organizations to ensure that all three professions are working together and not at cross-purposes with each other. Likewise, the Society advocates for its members on pending legislation within the state that may impact them in the practice of their profession.
Every year in March MSPE coordinates with the Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS), the American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC), and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) on a Legislative Day where members of each organization volunteer to meet with elected state legislators to discuss issues that affect their respective professions.

In addition, MSPE holds an annual conference every spring where members can congregate to earn professional development credits toward renewing their state licenses. Several local chapters also provide educational review sessions for engineers who may be studying to take the professional engineer’s exam, which is offered every April and October.

The Society also provides scholarship money to undergraduate students pursuing a degree in engineering. Similarly, local chapters may also provide regional scholarships.
In furthering the profession, the Society has been sponsoring the annual MATHCOUNTS® competition for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders since 1984 (39 years). It is similar to a spelling bee, but it centers entirely on the mastery of mathematics. The competitions begin at the local levels in February with the top performing school teams and individuals advancing to the State competition, which is held in March. The State then sends the top performing individuals to the National competition in May to represent the State of Michigan. Of late, ESPN has been televising the National competition every year.

For more information about MSPE and other current initiatives visit

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