Building Relationships: Double O Inc

Aug 12, 2020 | News

Recently recognized on Forbes magazine’s list of 25 ‘Small Giants’ for prioritizing greatness over fast growth, Double O, Inc. demonstrates its dedication to its customers and team. President Mike Otis stresses the importance of purpose, “Our customers and employees know we are not merely transactional, but rather relational business partners. Our purpose is to grow a company where people love to come to work. People spend so much of their lives on the job that we want to ensure that work is more of a journey of personal development in which they thrive and not a daily chore to put bread on the table.”

Double O is a true family business. When Otis married his wife, formerly Linda O’Brien, they combined families for a total of eight children. Double O became the nickname for their large brood. “I wanted to work from our house and prepare our children for their future by setting an example, so I kept adding square footage at our home operation for 15 years. Double O was always meant to serve the family, not the other way around. We consider every person we hire as an extension of our growing household,” Otis explains.

Shortly after founding his business, Otis joined the Builders Exchange of Michigan. “Joining the Builders Exchange of Michigan when I launched Double O has been a huge part of our success,” Otis says. “They’re so well-anchored in the region that I couldn’t imagine working in the commercial construction industry without them as a resource. They are ridiculously good at posting information promptly. The Nightly Email Update they send has every contracting opportunity out there. They are the filter through which a large volume of information flows. Architects, developers and contractors alike trust the Builders Exchange to put bid opportunities in front of skilled trades contractors.”

Double O has completed many noteworthy projects, one being the restoration of the Pantlind Hotel portion of the Amway Grand. When talking about the project, Otis said, “I love renovating really cool historic buildings like we did with the Amway Grand. There is no better feeling than taking a gorgeous old building, and rather than allow it to deteriorate, to restore it to its greatness. It shows respect for those who came before us.”

Looking ahead, Double O plans to launch an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, achieve $17 million in revenue, and employ 60 people by 2022. By 2027, they plan to become the largest commercial glazing, window and door company in West Michigan, if they aren’t already. When talking about what they do, Otis says, “If you think about a building, windows and doors are among the most important parts. Doors control all entrances and egresses. Windows can offer fantastic views, which impact the inside working environment. Both must bring the outside into the building with fresh air and scenery, but not allow in humidity, cold, rain and snow. We get pretty passionate about ensuring that we provide high-quality products and work to accomplish those goals.”

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